09-10-2004 08:31:15
I'm new to this,
but how long is the average time it takes to get approved,processed,and Shipped?
09-10-2004 08:33:37
approved for me was overnight. still processing since thursday cry
09-10-2004 08:43:29
[quotedafe0f106a="LaurencePLJ"]I'm new to this,
but how long is the average time it takes to get approved,processed,and Shipped?[/quotedafe0f106a]
It's taking up to 3 months to fully complete. Some who are lucky get theirs in about a month.
Just depends on your luck.
My luck sucks, i've been approved and waiting for my products since 8/12. There are others out there who have been waiting longer. Furtherest back I've seen lately is 8/6.
09-10-2004 08:46:35
Yeah, but Gratis has also been saying that they are picking up their pace. I don't think it was ever intended for a 3 month wait. (Sorry august people) wink
it better not be a 3 month wait
09-10-2004 09:02:21
[quote42217c8b68="Ace"]it better not be a 3 month wait[/quote42217c8b68]
or what? your not gonna accept the freeipod when it comes? lol
09-10-2004 09:06:03
it matters how long it takes you to get all ur referrals. From approval to shipped might be a month or less since they are shipping more now
09-10-2004 09:08:36
Has anyone know to have been completely done within a month, recieving their iPod and everything?
09-10-2004 09:11:51
Has anyone know to have been completely done within a month, recieving their iPod and everything?
09-10-2004 09:46:11
Some dude said he was shipped in a week but he never posted any proof so i'm guessing it was a crock of shit
oh that chessy guy
~lol crow
09-10-2004 10:24:37
Some people...lishakes just don't annoy people with "shipped in a week". I mean, there are some people that are on the edge of losing it here...litwitchli