12-05-2005 11:44:42
Now that I've done Freeipods.com I can have the same exact people do another Gratis site for me right? Also I assume the referral sites won't let someone sign up who was previous member. I know most of them state something like "new users only" etc.
Anyway I just wanted confirmation before I went ahead and did another site. Thanks.
12-05-2005 11:57:49
I used almost the same refs for some of the sites Im doing, and Ive gotten approved....
12-05-2005 11:58:42
You can have the same people sign up under you at different sites, as long as they havent previously signed up for that site )
Hope that helps.
12-05-2005 13:14:21
Thanks guys, just wanted to confirm that was OK before I started hassling everyone again. ;)