08-10-2004 14:05:05
so yea i have windows ME. i tunes wont work obviously so i downloaded something called EphPod thinkin it was the alternative for windows but i cant get it to work, i also have music match but i dont know how to get that to work either (cant get either to sync up with the mini).
sooo yea this kinda sucks lol, just got it wanna mess around with it aaaand it wont work.
if anybody has any clue what to do let me know..
08-10-2004 14:10:14
To be honest with you, i'd upgrade to Windows XP. I'm sure you probably know someone with a "copy".
08-10-2004 14:45:27
Windows ME sucks balls. Just go get a 'copy' of XP. I don't know how many more "hints" we have to throw at you twisted
08-10-2004 15:06:04
Use the ipod winamp plugin like hacktek said. Its called ml_ipod.
08-10-2004 19:12:25
Thx lds, i forgot the name of it completely but u got my drift ;)
08-10-2004 19:56:09
Now my reccomendation
Take your pc to the local junk yard where it belongs. Take a trip to the apple store and BUY A MAC.
08-10-2004 23:23:52
PC's pwn and that's the bottom line, cuz stone cold said so
08-10-2004 23:26:54
that's like saying an AMD is better than a P4... goddamn you people scare me sometimes.
08-10-2004 23:31:58
Ummm....Athlon XP kicks Pentium 4's backside from here to Afghanistan
09-10-2004 07:37:23
And an Apple G5 blows the doors off that... so just go get a Mac and your iPod will work absolutely perfectly with it.... and get this, no viruses, no adware, no spyware AND you won't crash. WOW.
09-10-2004 08:20:22
Yep... that's true. Even my older Mac OS 9.1 system gets used when my 1.5ghz XP system slows down because the absolute latest patch is not installed. I have to rebuild my PCs at least once every 18 months.
Plus, the fact that iPods do work very smooth with a Mac.
09-10-2004 09:50:26
Every OS in the world is gonna crash sometime and MacOS is not the exception