06-05-2005 14:54:05
after 3/14 processing went STV today... probley get the xbox in july ;/
06-05-2005 18:38:13
try being shipped since 3/6 and being approved on 2/16, what sucks more.
06-05-2005 20:47:52
HOLY SHIT! What an AMAZING DAY! I went STV on Freeipods, Freegamingsystems, and Freephotoipods!!!!!!!!! Damn i'm excited
06-05-2005 21:25:57
YEAH, STV for the XBox! And to think that today, I was with a friend playing XBox live . He was jealous of my PSP, I was jealous of XBox Live. Guess I have it all now! Well, this update was the only reason I was browsing the forum. This is my END of "verified legit" sites (i.e. Gratis, OC), and the END of smaller sites (i.e. Cool4Free, The4FreeZone), will be in early June. So this is the REAL peace out!
06-05-2005 21:50:32
Ordered 2/7/05, shipped 3/6, Back-ordered 4/6....
07-05-2005 07:12:46
was in processing from 3/28 for a PS2 slim ... went to [status - Sent to Vendor, Waiting on Product]... "we have placed your order but are most likely waiting for inventory to arrive before we can ship it out"
sounds like its still backordered ... at least they switched my status so i know they haven't forgot about me
07-05-2005 07:31:35
Anyone know if you can get tracking numbers for ANY Gratis site product that was sent out?
07-05-2005 09:39:00
For the Freegamingsystem site you can go to UPS and track by reference. Use your order nubmer as the reference number and then enter your destination zipcode (you don't need the origin zipcode). For Mac mini and PSP you do the same thing with DHL's track by reference number. Those are the only 3 I've used recently - I'd imagine something similar can be done with the other sites as well.
07-05-2005 11:45:25
FGS may use UPS if they use a different vendor, but if eFulfillment is used, then they ship via DHL. Last time for the XBoxes, they didn't use eFulfillment.
07-05-2005 12:17:48
[quote0fff61707d="PodTopia"]FGS may use UPS if they use a different vendor, but if eFulfillment is used, then they ship via DHL. Last time for the XBoxes, they didn't use eFulfillment.[/quote0fff61707d]
I though you were gone PodTopia - remember to take the PIC of all the stuff you have received (to post it on my site)
I chose the Nintendo DS and I am STV too )
Anyone else take the Nintendo DS option?
07-05-2005 15:48:58
nice! stv on the slim ps2, cant wait to sell it for more psp games)
07-05-2005 16:29:37
You're probably going to have to wait though. (
09-05-2005 08:35:19
I just went STV too for my DS. anyone know who they use as a vendor for the DS?? thanks!