07-10-2004 19:53:18
yeah! lets start another thread twisted
Who is with me in the 8/12-8/13 STV group? And which one of you has received your pod already?
07-10-2004 19:59:14
I'm exactly the same as you. I'm 645 order time. I haven't switched though. Not shipped yet.
08-10-2004 06:11:12
Yeah -- I'm still STV too
Damn it!
I switched to HP several weeks ago...
10-10-2004 20:59:16
i think i'm still stv '(
see my sig, i guess. heh
i did switch to the hp ipod, around 9/16 or so. heh.
10-10-2004 22:12:26
hey fellow 8/12ers.
Let's post back to THIS THREAD when we know our products has been shipped. That way we can keep each other in the loop.
I know you may want to post elsewhere or start another thread, but it would be helpful for the small bunch of us if we update in this thread too.
I'm marking the thread so it'll email me when someone posts.
Thanks guys & gals. Hopefully we'll get shipped out this week ... thats what the rumors are...
10-10-2004 22:41:51
i want my ipod, and i assume you guys do too.
so let's hope that they don't wait till 10/22 to ship "ours" out or something like that. ),.
11-10-2004 14:03:12
damn, they aren't sendig ipods in order!!!!!!
I've just heard some 9/15 stv people got shiped..... again!!!!!!!!!!
11-10-2004 14:07:28
Where did u get that info from?? I'm sure all of us would want to know if thats true or not!
11-10-2004 15:45:58
WHEN will it ship WHEN?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!W
14-10-2004 16:30:03
I told everyone in here to post in this thread if they got shipped.
Well, I'm here to let you know that I finally got shipped today! It still says STV on the site, but I did ship today.
I hope all you get yours soon!
14-10-2004 17:14:01
how would you know you got shipped if yours still says sent to vendor? my stats are
sent to vendor / waiting for product for the past 2 months.
ordered 8/13/04
switched to HP
order # 454lilili
Anyone can help me out here? this is rediculous.
14-10-2004 17:20:39
If you search through these forums you can find that info. There is a way to track via fedex.
15-10-2004 22:20:35
8/12 IP3/STV
15-10-2004 22:38:37
i've been updated to "Shipped" status on my account's "extended" "order status" thingy....
woot! D