07-10-2004 11:49:17
I just checked and I am STV today for the Dell PC. When can I expect it to be shipped? and I am expecting the Celeron.. is there any chance I can be wrong and get a p4? not that I mind, a free PC is a free PC.
Everyone around me is making me go mad saying it's a scam and "where is your ipod, it's been over a month".
07-10-2004 12:12:34
You might or might not have noticed that the current dell promotion is a FREE upgrade to a 15 inch LCD monitor.
Mine also just got sent to vendor so I am hoping that they actually picked that free upgrade and we all get LCD monitors.
I expect us to get shipped in 3-5 days, that's how long it took for the last batch of orders to go out.
07-10-2004 13:27:00
What are talking about Darkje? The first batch was recieved around 9/24, and people had ordered from 9/2 since then.
If you ordered today, then you may well be in the 3rd batch...
07-10-2004 13:46:51
If you cross check the customer # with the dell website, you can see that they only ordered the 21-22rd and they shipped out a few days later.
Btw I also saw a free HD upgrade and $50 mail in rebate on the 2400/3000 ;)
I guess you can't know what you will get until you recieve the packaging list.
btw, here is one of those orders
Delivery Estimate Monday, September 27, 2004 - Wednesday, September 29, 2004
This information is current as of Thursday, October 07, 2004.
Order Processing Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Pre-production Tuesday, September 21, 2004
In Production
Shipping Prep Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Ship Date Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Your estimated delivery date can be up to 5 additional business days based on shipping method chosen at time of order.