Best way to contact or gratis internet

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07-10-2004 11:29:24

I have been trying to contact them for about a week and a half and they never reply to my email=s. i have tried email=info@gratisinternet.cominfo@gratisinternet.coms. i have tried,,, is there a phone number to call and talk to a representative? i have been waiting for 2 weeks now for 2 of my referrals to receive credit, 1 other was supposed to be credited instantly (boca java), and 1 was a 2-3 day credit (infone) that was completed Monday Oct 4th and has not been credited. i already have 3 people that have completed offers, so these would put me over the requirement of 5.

any suggestions or help???


07-10-2004 11:45:23

Cookie monster strikes again.


07-10-2004 11:45:33

Well, did you actually wait 15 days for the credits to appear?) First you have to wait, then try contacting them. Plus, you can NOT e-mail Gratis to "remind" them to turn other people's offers to completed. It is written very clearly in the help section.


07-10-2004 11:54:52

I think they're basically taking the approach that you haven't waited the 15 days and so aren't replying to you. I've received a reply from one of the addresses you listed, so I know they respond to them.


07-10-2004 12:13:36

check yr page fool, they dont send emails anymore, theyre all on your account page under My Account