30-04-2005 19:57:59
Ok i have refered over 10 people now and i think like 6 of them all said they completed offers but under my status screen they are still yellows i have waited plenty of time. So im pretty sure theres a problem. I looked around the site and could not find an email adress or anything for Gratis so how do i contact them?
30-04-2005 20:27:50
Search button is your friend...........................
30-04-2005 21:20:40
go into your account, click on help, then it will show you a list of problems or categories of problems your problem may be in. click on "My issue is about my current account status", then click on the 2nd last option "I still have a question and would like to contact customer service". ive found this to be the only way to get an actual response from them, you wont get one till at least monday, if not longer. be polite and try to give them as much info as possible without going on for too long.
i had a question similar to yours and they told me that all but one of my yellows had completed their offers but were waiting to go green. i got scammed and the guy never completed his offer which is why they said they had all completed their offers but him. they should be able to tell you how many HAVE and how many HAVE NOT.
hope this helps
30-04-2005 21:26:09
[quote890881f3df="theysayjump"]go into your account, click on help, then it will show you a list of problems or categories of problems your problem may be in. click on "My issue is about my current account status", then click on the 2nd last option "I still have a question and would like to contact customer service". ive found this to be the only way to get an actual response from them, you wont get one till at least monday, if not longer. be polite and try to give them as much info as possible without going on for too long.
i had a question similar to yours and they told me that all but one of my yellows had completed their offers but were waiting to go green. i got scammed and the guy never completed his offer which is why they said they had all completed their offers but him. they should be able to tell you how many HAVE and how many HAVE NOT.
hope this helps
wow, +kma for being helpful to noobs. really respectable.
30-04-2005 21:29:46
D i try
i know if it was me, id appreciate someone helping me, so i try to help others.
cheers for +K
http//[" alt=""/imgfd0b9de85a]
01-05-2005 18:05:21
ya thanks alot man i really appreciate it
01-05-2005 18:17:55
no problem....did that help at all?