30-04-2005 04:54:59
Seriously, this is ridiculous!
I requested for approval on the 1st of April.
I did not get approve until April 18th!
Then I've been processing since April 18th, and up to this day'
I still am. And I just read another post about someone's status saying
STV for about 3 weeks.. Man I'm just really mad, and impatient right now!'
I better go STV sometime this week! evil
30-04-2005 06:59:38
It is frustrating... Especially since I am waiting for approvals on FreeHandBags,FreeDigitalCameras and waiting on processing for FreeiPods.
It feels like this is the end of the round LoL
30-04-2005 09:34:33
that still waiting for approval since the 18th of gonna write to them and ask if they've forgotten about me.
30-04-2005 12:45:36
ya im waiting for freeipods & freepsp to go STV
30-04-2005 23:12:38
I'm waiting for freeiPods to go STV, but hey, I'm getting a $300 piece of equipment, I feel like it's worth it )
01-05-2005 00:07:41
Doesnt most of the sites ship em out without changing your status to STV?
01-05-2005 01:04:08
i dont think so, i think you go stv first and then sometimes you get your free stuff before it says shipped
01-05-2005 01:07:41
wow....we got the same timeline brickchick lol
but people are saying we'll all go STV next week most likely....bastards
01-05-2005 10:46:41
[quote2ed42a5969="BrickChick"]Seriously, this is ridiculous!
I requested for approval on the 1st of April.
I did not get approve until April 18th!
Then I've been processing since April 18th, and up to this day'
I still am. And I just read another post about someone's status saying
STV for about 3 weeks.. Man I'm just really mad, and impatient right now!'
I better go STV sometime this week! evil[/quote2ed42a5969]
You should read my topic where me and sofa sets were bitching, may make you happier wink Its in the section D
02-05-2005 04:34:05
[quote4377d32474="jhennson"]i dont think so, i think you go stv first and then sometimes you get your free stuff before it says shipped[/quote4377d32474]
Bingo! That is what happened for me, said shipped the day after I got it.
03-05-2005 09:25:21
I would be happy to be approved and only waiting for processing.
04-05-2005 16:27:43
and, I'm still processing! ughhhhh
04-05-2005 18:59:48
Did you see this post from RealtorKen who asked why processing is taking so long?
"5/2/2005 25558 PM
customer service wrote
Thanks for your email about your order. iPods are currently on backorder because of their very high demand. Please be patient and understand we are doing everything in our power to get your order out the door and into your hands. Thank you. "
roll roll