FreeIpodshuffle Processing - 4/26/2005!
27-04-2005 15:29:40
Requested approval on 4/25/ Approved the next day and is now Processing..w00t! First free item to be Verifyed and went go good. I'll post pics. the second i get it!
http//[" alt=""/img6d8ae4025a]
27-04-2005 15:35:02
27-04-2005 17:02:57
I wish I was at that point. I have been the member of the one away club for over a week now. And I really should have 12 green referrals! I am really tired of credits not going through. Gratis need a more reliable system and shorter customer service request times.
27-04-2005 17:52:51
I got approved today and am now processing after requesting for approval yesterday. Can't wait for it to ship!
29-04-2005 12:52:19
[quote776f0d9436="Matt8789"]Requested approval on 4/25/ Approved the next day and is now Processing..w00t! First free item to be Verifyed and went go good. I'll post pics. the second i get it! [/quote776f0d9436]
And now you wait! )
29-04-2005 13:24:31
i've been processing since a week and 2 days ago... still no stv yet... ?
29-04-2005 13:54:19
There should be a STV coming up soon right?
29-04-2005 13:58:16
[quote7305954a9a="Blink182=Gone"]i've been processing since a week and 2 days ago... still no stv yet... ?[/quote7305954a9a]
Same here...
01-05-2005 09:47:26
[quote871319bf22="Blink182=Gone"]i've been processing since a week and 2 days ago... still no stv yet... ?[/quote871319bf22]
Oh Good, I was beginning to think something was wrong...
Order History
Order # Site Date/Time Status
Order # 48lililili 4/13/2005 84100 PM [b871319bf22]Processing[/b871319bf22]
01-05-2005 11:06:50
Sent for approval 4/30. Not to rain on your paradess but hopefully Ill get approved and stv within the same period as you guys. Happy to hear there hasnt been an stv as of yet.
03-05-2005 10:34:27
sent mine for approval today
04-05-2005 12:01:40
sent mine for approval today (5/4). had to re-click approval 5 times, until i got a sql error, and had to write Gratis. looks like they were updating the site (notice refer freinds is no longer orange but has (new) next to it). Anyway, hopefully i'll get my shuffle before apple releases a 2 gig shuffle for $99. Don't panic, Apple would never do such a consumer-friendly pricing offer.
Sent them a message, and they didnt really say much on when they'll go out. I've been processing since the 19th.
05-05-2005 07:21:27
Glad to know I'm not the only one
Requested Approval 4/25
Approved 4/26
Still Processing.........!!!
05-05-2005 13:48:50
I've also been processing since the 18th.
05-05-2005 15:57:08
Still no STV..but dont they sometimes ship them out without changing your status? I've heard from people they have gotten their gifts and their status never changed..
05-05-2005 17:12:48
I've been processing since 4-13-05
I assume they are short on the items.
05-05-2005 17:55:28
I've been processing since the 13th, I'm sick of waiting, maybe I'll just go steal one D . Everything is taking so damn long.
[quotecab1225925="hyperboarder"]I've been processing since the 13th, I'm sick of waiting, maybe I'll just go steal one D . Everything is taking so damn long.[/quotecab1225925]
Uh uh ...
http/" alt=""/"93/3041/dontstealshuffle8vt.jpg[" alt=""/imgcab1225925]
06-05-2005 11:36:42
Well guys, i just went STV today so i should be getting it soon. How long do you think it will take? And do i need someone to sign for it..what happens if no one is there?
06-05-2005 12:08:45
I went STV today too! Hope to get it soon!
06-05-2005 12:34:07
STV for me too! F-in sweet! Now I get to buy an arm band.
06-05-2005 13:13:53
I'm now "Sent to Vendor, Waiting on Product". Is this what the rest of you are, or are you the regular STV?
06-05-2005 13:20:17
Same here, freakin' finally.
06-05-2005 14:04:25
damn im still sending for approval!
i guess im in the next batch
06-05-2005 14:17:19
[quote275c218927="PHILVID2"]I'm now "Sent to Vendor, Waiting on Product". Is this what the rest of you are, or are you the regular STV?[/quote275c218927]
That's what mine says.
06-05-2005 14:43:28
06-05-2005 17:01:49
It still sucks to be me....
06-05-2005 18:15:56
ahh maybe they will approve me before they ship because i just sent in approval today. i hope i get lucky and they approve me and stv me all within a week
06-05-2005 19:38:40
[quote12cc170bd2="breslijo"]sent mine for approval today (5/4). had to re-click approval 5 times, until i got a sql error, and had to write Gratis. looks like they were updating the site (notice refer freinds is no longer orange but has (new) next to it). Anyway, hopefully i'll get my shuffle before apple releases a 2 gig shuffle for $99. Don't panic, Apple would never do such a consumer-friendly pricing offer.[/quote12cc170bd2]
i sent approval on that day too. i hope they aprove it on monday or sometime next week!
11-05-2005 09:58:20
I'm shipped! Est delivery date 5/12!
I love free stuff.
11-05-2005 11:32:24
Just got it today
11-05-2005 12:16:37
Congrats! I read you can only have 1 playlist on it. Guess that makes sense b/c it has no display. But you CAN combine 10-20 songs onto one big ass mp3, so I guess its not all that bad.
11-05-2005 13:47:36
y woudo u comibne 10-20 songs into 1 mp3? y not just have 150 seperate mp3 and let them play thru. the order is the order u put it on the shuffle u can see it in the itunes thingy.
11-05-2005 14:25:25
I got mine this morning.
11-05-2005 14:49:00
[quoteaa4a3b1539="mrwzk"]y woudo u comibne 10-20 songs into 1 mp3? y not just have 150 seperate mp3 and let them play thru. the order is the order u put it on the shuffle u can see it in the itunes thingy.[/quoteaa4a3b1539]
IONNO, I haven't gotten mine yet! (
What if you don't want to listen to all 150 all the way through? What if you want to listen to a small selection over and over again (hence a playlist)?
11-05-2005 14:52:43
than u burn those songs on there only or just hit the back button and it will play song over again. leave out songs u dont want to listen to
11-05-2005 18:29:14
But what if you, say...go to the gym. And you want to listen to a certain set of "hard" songs while working out. But when you leave you want to listen to a different set of "chill" songs in the car. Would you suggest this person buy 2 iPods?
I'm just saying that the ability to have more than 1 playlist is a pretty nice thing.
12-05-2005 12:18:06
lo dont use the shuffle u want to do this. return the shuffle and buy a mini if u want to spend another 100$. or buy a "psyc" cd player i just got one it does a lot of stuff has fm/am/tv/weather signals. runs on 1 battery and you can burn cds in strac3plus format which basicly means more songs on a cd. they are good quality too. i have a cd with 490 songs on it and i think around 10 diffrent folders aka playlists. only bad thing about this cd player is there is no random button or if there is i just cant seem to find it. this cd player was 60$
12-05-2005 14:32:25
Why would I want to do all that when I already have a FREE shuffle, and I can just throw a few mp3s together, and achieve my goal?
Plus its a sht load smaller than a portable cd matter how rad it is.