26-04-2005 20:45:10
Anybody know why we are still sent to vendor??? This is getting rediculous. Weeks to get approved and another wait to get the ipod.
27-04-2005 05:25:34
Here's my theory If eCost is infact still their supplier, then we'll have to wait. Before everybody that was STV and then went Shipped, eCost had the 60GB photo iPods in stock. Now after that first shipment went out, eCost now says to call for availability. Coincidence? Maybe, but that would explain why some went shipped while others are still STV.
27-04-2005 09:31:49
Well the distributor is efulfillment not ecost and they printed off shipping lables for a bunch of people but never actually sent anything according to dhl. Which means that they proabably ran out of product and as soon as they get more is when im guessing we will get ours. By the way you could have figured this out just by reading the other threads...