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06-10-2004 16:15:11

Any information on this offer, I just saw it now. How does it work and anyone tried it yet?

- Thanks for your time


06-10-2004 16:41:52

I tried it. Their pills gave me chronic diarhea.

Oh, and I am starting to form a tumor on my neck the size of texas. I decided to glue some googly' eyes onto it and tell people it's my siamese twin.



06-10-2004 18:11:43

No, seriously, i'm curious too.


06-10-2004 18:18:24

I did the offer, though I haven't canceled it yet and nothing has been sent to me. You have to pay like 4.99 for S&H, but I had finished every other damned offer so....I will let you know how the cancelation goes.