23-04-2005 18:07:06
what exactly will cause my ipod to be held becuase i no a couple people who have had this problem what does gratis really stress
also im not sure if i have got credit for completing an offer if i have what are signs will i still be able to go to the complete an offer page. Also blockbuster the site i did it for has three red checks through it does this meen i completed it what are signs and will i still be able to sign up if i have not already after my 5 referrals without problems or will i have to do it over once i complete an offer
Sorry for all the questions but im a newb in this free scene so please help me out thanks
23-04-2005 20:01:52
Dear [be99bee9556]bigsexy[/be99bee9556]medford
If you read Gratis Netorks "Terms & Conditions" look a good boy should. You will find the following.
[be99bee9556]V. HOLD[/be99bee9556]
1. Common Reasons for Being Placed on Hold
[be99bee9556](a)[/be99bee9556] Multiple accounts.
[be99bee9556](b)[/be99bee9556] Fraudulent referrals.
[be99bee9556](c)[/be99bee9556] Negative feedback from one of our affiliates or offers being completed and immediately canceled.
[be99bee9556](d)[/be99bee9556] More than one account at a user's shipping address. For, a user must have a valid shipping address in the United States, a U.S. Territory, Canada, England, Scotland, or Wales. For all other Gratis Internet sites, a user must have a valid shipping address in the United States or a U.S. Territory. The user should also note that some products cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. We only allow one account per shipping address.
[be99bee9556](e) [/be99bee9556]Posting information on a website, forum, or auction that has to do with "canceling the offers" included, but not limited to, cancellation phone numbers, cancellation time frames, and any encouragement or direction to cancel the offers after signing up with them.
[be99bee9556](f) [/be99bee9556]Posting your referral link in places where it is not welcome, or spamming your referral link online in any capacity is strictly prohibited. If we see or receive complaints about your referral methods that we deem risky, we may place your account or accounts on hold.
[be99bee9556](g)[/be99bee9556] Any other reason or a combination of reasons at the sole discretion of Gratis Internet.
[be99bee9556]2. Additional terms regarding "hold" status[/be99bee9556]
[be99bee9556](a)[/be99bee9556] We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold at any time.
[be99bee9556](b) [/be99bee9556]We are not responsible for notifying a user about his or her account being placed on hold.
[be99bee9556](c)[/be99bee9556] If an account on any Gratis Internet website is placed on hold, all other accounts across all Gratis Internet websites created by that individual may be placed on hold as well. Moreover, all orders from any account created or connected to this individual may be frozen and the user will be unable to order from any of the Gratis Internet websites.
[be99bee9556](d) [/be99bee9556]A user who has had his or her account placed on hold may not create another account on any Gratis Internet website.
[be99bee9556](e)[/be99bee9556] A user's account will be on hold indefinitely. Holds do not expire.
[be99bee9556](f)[/be99bee9556] A user may not receive any reimbursement for points or referrals accumulated prior to being placed on hold.
[be99bee9556](g)[/be99bee9556] If a user feels that he or she has been placed on hold in error (i.e. has not acted against the terms of Gratis Internet), he or she may contact us via our website.
[be99bee9556](h) [/be99bee9556]We reserve the right to place a user's account on hold after they have gotten credit for a free item, and even after ordering and receiving their free item. We also hold the right to follow up legally on fraudulent activities.
Lastly, about you recieving credit for your own personal requirements. If you click status, Under [be99bee9556]"Your Requirements"[/be99bee9556] It should tell you if you completed you requirements with I think "congratulations on completing your offer" And if you did "Blockbusters" Offer, for completing your requirements, and it has 3 red checks in it, that means that , thats the offer you completed, and Gratis Has recognized it. Someone else can complete that offer, under your referral process, the three checks justs stops you from completing that same offer twice, (in the event you would like to complete more on your own time)
I hope I have answered some of your questions ? D
Good luck keep us posted!
23-04-2005 21:44:31
ya thanks for the great post finally someone on this site actually answered a question instead of just giving a stupid answer that has nothing to do with my question so thanks man
28-04-2005 17:39:36
Ok, here's a question... I got a friend to do the blockbuster offer for me and [u41af00d877]I paid for it with my credit card[/u41af00d877] (stupid I know). Will Gratis look at the billing address for the credit card that's used on each completed referral? My friend used their own address when they did it.
Will they put me on hold for that?

http//[" alt=""/img41af00d877]
cop killer got the crap beat out him
28-04-2005 19:02:48
Woa, that guy is freaky..whats the story behind him?