4 Completed Offers, no credit

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=1247


06-10-2004 13:04:25

I've completed 4 separate offers to a T AOL, Boca Java, Ancestry.com, and one more which I can't remember....

weeks have gone by. and no dice.

I actually even placed my 2nd order with Boca Java. I clicked on everything through the freeipods.com site.

What's up? A friend of mine said I might want to post here because it might set off an alarm at gratis that i signed up for more than one offer. I just wanted to get credit so I could start referring people.


06-10-2004 13:05:42

email gratis, n3wb
they do NOT care if you've done more than one offer, infact they prolly like you cause you gave them more $$$

EDIT contrary to my sig, i did NOT give you that -Karma


06-10-2004 14:14:56

Yeah, you need to email them. Watch your email status page for replies, you'll probably get a reply in about 3-4 business days.


06-10-2004 14:16:24

Sounds like the cookie monster ate your referals. Make sure you cookies are setup right.