Did the infone offer and still says offer not completed
06-10-2004 12:07:23
Last sunday I did my infone offer. It is not wednesday, and freeipods still does not say I have completed an offer yet. I successfully signed up with infone for sure (got the e-mail and everything). And I know free-ipods knew I signed up with them - because shortly after I did the offer for infone, it was taken off the list (so no other of my referrals could use it). So with all this.. why doesnt freeipods recognize I did my offer? Apparently they did if they have tkaen it off, but why doesnt it say so in the account?
Anyone have any suggestions?
im still waiting on mine too, i did it on friday night
06-10-2004 13:10:41
My step-dad signed up on Saturday, and he still hasn't received credit either...wonder what's up.
06-10-2004 13:12:16
they took the offer completely down... they might not be honoring infone anymore
The offers come off all the time... they're always back in a few days or less.
but i did mine friday, they took it down monday... they should offer it, or that is unfair
06-10-2004 13:32:53
oh, they took it down? Well I guess i did mine the day before they took it down.. i still did an offer so i still should receive credit for it...
06-10-2004 13:41:24
I've had referrals both complete the infone offer and the efax offer about a week go with no credit. I guess we'll all just have to wait for the offers to show up of 15 days to complain.
06-10-2004 13:50:37
Same here, my referer did infone and he got nothing, and nope no cookie monster (
06-10-2004 14:47:06
I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get my step-dad to sign up for another offer...this was already his second one, as the first one didn't go through because he didn't verify his email address before he completed the offer. wonder if he can get Gratis to honor THAT credit.
Besides, if the offer was listed, he should get credit. period. If they want to remove the offer and not allow anyone else to sign up for it, then that's cool, but not giving someone credit when it was listed as a valid offer is cheating on their part.
don't get me wrong...I think this Free iPods thing is great...and appreciate Gratis for doing it, but I think some of this methodology is very harmful to their reputation.
06-10-2004 14:48:19
Very true.
06-10-2004 15:06:52
Same here, had 2 ref's friday and today they are still yellow. Anyone shoot gratis an email yet? I may ask the refs to email them so they can get thier complete offers. At the same time they should turn mine green.
06-10-2004 18:01:08
Same here!, It's been 5 full days, 3 full business days and still, no credit from infone. We realy have to wait 15 days? The infone popup said 2-3 days, would they answer my mail if I ask them now?
07-10-2004 09:29:04
One problem is that they state in the FAQ that they can't answer credit issues for your referrals. They have to email in themselves asking for credit, and when they receive it, it will be automatically applied to your account.
I had a hard enough time getting my step-dad to sign up...much less to send an email to gratis....maybe I should look for another referral. (
07-10-2004 10:33:15
I signed up for inphone, in addition to applying for the ebay credit card. I had genuine interest in both. No credit for either, no CC either. Although my sister who registered for a GM card got the card and credit. Anyone sign up for inphone over the weekend and GET credit?
07-10-2004 11:03:21
Good question....anyone?
07-10-2004 12:02:26
yeah.. i should of had 2 referrals offer completed as well as my own but they are still yellow..
What can we do? Hopefully gratis will find someway and give us credit.. i dont know though
07-10-2004 12:05:00
There should probably be a phone number that you can call to get assistance on this problem.
I know ... CALL INPHONE!
07-10-2004 12:10:44
All 5 of my referrals did the inphone offer last month and received credit instantly for it. I also signed up for inphone for my friend's flatscreen and got instant credit.
Not sure what's going on with the offer now, but it's definitely crappy if you guys don't receive credit. =o/
08-10-2004 11:32:49
Anyone get credit yet? Or do we all ahve to wait until a week from monday to straighten this out?
I am one green light away and I think I have several more coming soon. My own offer is going to be the hold up. Like I said I have done two on freeipods, and do not want to use anymore, because if this works out I am going for a flatscreen and a purse. I am not gonna bother with a PC, because I build systems for friends and family and it would hurt me in the long run.
08-10-2004 22:49:29
Nope...I haven't gotten it yet, ref signed up last Friday.
08-10-2004 23:00:31
Same here, since last Friday (oct 1st.)
09-10-2004 12:40:54
I signed up last sunday and i still have no credit, how about you guys?
09-10-2004 13:43:21
My friend did infone on 10-3, still not showing green.
09-10-2004 19:14:31
It seems like NONE of us who did infone since Oct 1st has gotten credit, is there a way to get in touch with Gratis about this, since it's not an individual problem, but really a problem of much bigger scale. Hopefully they will fix all our problems at the same time.
10-10-2004 08:55:21
You reading this?
Side note, I noticed on my on-line bank statement early this week that Inphone charged a dollar to my account and then the charge disappeared. I figured after that I would get credit, no dice.
10-10-2004 09:09:05
You reading this?
Side note, I noticed on my on-line bank statement early this week that Inphone charged a dollar to my account and then the charge disappeared. I figured after that I would get credit, no dice.[/quote9ba92420be]
the one dollar is used to see if the cc works
10-10-2004 18:44:17
I did the same for FDPC and I just need that bump to order S
10 Days have passed. Where's gratis!
11-10-2004 05:32:41
I don't mean to sound redundant, but its been over a week since I completed my referrals, every one being infone, and my friends still haven't received credit!!! Forget about my friends, I thought I was getting an Ipod!!!! What's goin' on....is Gratis becoming shady!!!
11-10-2004 12:21:20
so what are you guys gonna do?
Just e-mail gratis on the 15th day?
11-10-2004 12:35:57
I already got one more guy and reached 5 greens. I don't need the other 3 who are still waitting though they will want to turn green.
11-10-2004 13:28:37
I think I'm gonna get my referal to email gratis on the 15th day, unless Harry sees this first...
/me crosses his fingers
11-10-2004 17:49:29
i signed 10/3 for infone and a referral of mine signed up 10/5
Still no green, both are yellow.
I guess just wait until the 15th day to send an email / post to harry eh?
11-10-2004 17:55:00
has harry seen this post?
maybe someone can contact him and tell him about it?
12-10-2004 09:04:41
I don't know why someone (Harry) does not deal with this now, rather than hundreds of requests for manual credit next Monday?
12-10-2004 09:36:02
Definitely would not demand/blame harry, im sure he has enough shit to deal with as it is... im sure this will all work out - one must remember this is a waiting game as it is, hehehe
13-10-2004 12:40:56
infone is back on the offer list.
But still not offer completitions (for me anyways)
13-10-2004 13:55:33
I am a bit worried as I just had three referrals complete Infone. I hope they sort this out b/c I remember that I got instant credit, but they haven't, nor have they received e-mails.
13-10-2004 16:00:13
OK, I just remembered what you have to do to get Infone to work. This might have been posted already, but anyway...
When you click the Infone link, it takes you to a sign-up page. Immediately hit refresh and you will be sent to a new sign-up page. It will look different from the first sign-up page in that this one will be split-screen, i.e. the left side will have some ads and the right side will be the sign-up page in a vertical format. THIS IS THE PAGE YOU MUST BE ONE TO GET CREDIT! The Infone problem has nothing to do with the 'cookie monster' or anything like that. You will see the cookie monster icon when you get to the new sign-up page, but it is fine; if you want, you can fool around with the cookies, but it didn't matter for me.
Anyway, before you fill out any info, scroll to the bottom of this new page and make sure you can see the verification word you have to enter. It's one of those scam-proof word boxes that you see at Ticketmaster, Yahoo, etc. If you can't see the word, keep refreshing the page until you CAN. Once you can, go ahead and enter your info, then enter the word, and it WILL work.
Summary You will NEVER get credit if you use the first sign-up page you are taken to; you MUST refresh to get to the new page, and then make sure you can see the verification word. Keep refreshing until you do, and then enter info.
13-10-2004 16:23:42
My step-dad says he saw the split screen and saw the little blurry letters in the box. He should have gotten credit. I bet this is the cause of some of these people's strife though )
Thanks Blurrz
13-10-2004 16:31:14
hey guys i got another question, i was gonna post a new topic but i decided to just ask in this thread.. anyways
I just recently got 2 referrals for my infone offer.. and I was just wondering If i do contact gratis and end up getting credit for the infone one - will i lose my other greens (since i have heard if you do an offer, your referrals can't do the same offer).
So will i lose my referrals if i get credit for the infone one, or won't i?
14-10-2004 09:05:38
I have five greens!!!!!!! And no inphone credit for myself, I also applied for the ebay credit card and have not heard anything on that front cry
My sister got the GM card and got credit as soon as she activated it.
Please do not make me wait until Monday to start asking for credit. I feel like I am a kid who just found out Christmas got postponed.
14-10-2004 10:09:13
[quote4ce3578158="megamike69"]It seems like NONE of us who did infone since Oct 1st has gotten credit, is there a way to get in touch with Gratis about this, since it's not an individual problem, but really a problem of much bigger scale. Hopefully they will fix all our problems at the same time.[/quote4ce3578158]
My brother has gotten 8 infone referrals that completed instantly over the last week... he got 5 right away... by posting his link in AOL chat Rooms... but then Gratis didn't approve his Ipod.... they didn't approve 3 of his 5 referrals... (Probably since in an AOL chat Room.... EVERYONE is on AOL... so it look suspicious to Gratis). Last night he recieved his 3 replacement referrals in Yahoo! Chat and all 3 of them did Infone... with INSTANT CREDIT. I guess you guys haven't been lucky with Infone... seingas how my brother got 8 with no screw ups.
14-10-2004 11:24:18
Since we still have not recieved it, would it be best to wait for the 15days and then contact them (and have our referals do as well) about the Infone credit issue?
14-10-2004 13:21:53
You can't request to be given credit for someone elses account. The TOS states that the person signing up for the offer has to be the one to contact them for credit related issues. Once they receive the credit, if they signed up under your account, you should get a green. If you don't, then you have grounds to contact Gratis yourself. Until then, (or if you didn't get credit for an offer you signed up for) you can't contact them directly, and they could likely look at such a thing as an attempt at fraud. (my words not theirs) ... It looks like you signed up for them and are now requesting credit without their knowledge. Do yourself a favor and ask your referal to send an email. Even write the email in a text file and have them send it if you have to...but don't ask them to give credit to your referal. )
/me patiently waits for Monday.....
15-10-2004 10:07:36
Six Greens now!
Is it Monday yet?
15-10-2004 10:29:04
i've refreshed 857680760 times, and the word verification still won't show up |
15-10-2004 10:36:02
Yeah, it's kind of quirky.
15-10-2004 23:24:56
I just had my gf email them. I will update on what happens.
15-10-2004 23:31:28
hmmm... I just got a friend to do infone and I received the credit immediately.
The other friend form thsi afternoon was never able to sign up(verification word wouldn't show up).
The other other friend that signed up over a week ago(it just might be 2 weeks now) never received credit...
16-10-2004 00:49:27
yeah i know.. they got it working now
i had a referral do the infone offer a couple days ago and got INSTANT credit..
but the problem is the first week of october or so - no one received credit if they did an ifone offer, or if there referrals did an infone offer.
Its working now sure, but the problem is about that first week where no one received credit
16-10-2004 05:44:07
My experiences with infone have been positive. I had my two friends receive instant credit when they did it. Also, I did the infone offer on my FFS account. Something of note, my two friends and I were all using firefox. When I used IE, it refused to show the split screen, not matter how many times I refreshed. Haven't quite gotten to the bottom of that but I thought I'd share that info with you all.
16-10-2004 07:21:03
i just signed up for infone and i did not get credit immediately, i did what the forum said (refresh right away to get to the screen with the information on the right) but i still have not received credit. is anyone else having this problem and should i email gratis right away or wait the 15 days.
16-10-2004 13:35:23
Wait. Maybe you will get credit after the wave of requests they are going to get Monday.
16-10-2004 22:23:18
[quotee78b5f8a1a="Tadeo"]I signed up for inphone, in addition to applying for the ebay credit card. I had genuine interest in both. No credit for either, no CC either. Although my sister who registered for a GM card got the card and credit. Anyone sign up for inphone over the weekend and GET credit?[/quotee78b5f8a1a]
I signed up for the ebay card a long time ago and finally got it. I gave up on getting the credit for it and moved on to a different offer, I'm really not sure if i ever did get credit for it or not. i called up the company and told them to deactivate my acct for that card today...
18-10-2004 10:07:00
I finally got rejected for an ebay Credit Card, so all my eggs are in Inphones basket. Sent my Credit request yesterday, I have my fingers crossed.
18-10-2004 10:52:56
[quote37c03c41ff]I signed up for the ebay card a long time ago and finally got it. I gave up on getting the credit for it and moved on to a different offer, I'm really not sure if i ever did get credit for it or not. i called up the company and told them to deactivate my acct for that card today...[/quote37c03c41ff]
My ebay card referrals took 4 weeks.
18-10-2004 11:11:14
i gave up on infone and did stamps.com instead.......very easy, instant credit.
18-10-2004 11:50:58
I am holding Stamps.com for FFS, and I have already joined Blockbuster and got a GM card through FreeGreenGameMachine.com. So I do not want to complete a third offer at FreeIpod. I sent my confirmation email late last night and have yet to get a response. Anyone else who did inphone 10/2 or 10/3 get credit yet?
18-10-2004 11:58:38
i just sent an inquiry to gratis about not receiving credit, hopefully i will get credit soon )
I sent my message to gratis on friday, and i just got credit today, so i'm really happy )... now to get 3 more referrels!
19-10-2004 08:38:38
Credit approved!! Processing!
19-10-2004 09:24:23
[quotecb42667308]Credit approved!! Processing![/quotecb42667308]
Wait...so you did Infone on Oct 2/3, and just got credit now, after sending them your confirmation e-mail?
19-10-2004 09:51:49
I sent Gratis the email on 10/18/04 about no Infone credit on my 10/2/04 signup.
I sent them an email to "customerservice@freeipods.com" with the Welcome email and my situation
I also went onto my freeipods account and submitted my situation through the help/faq section.
Have not received word yet. Guessing it will take about 2 days or so for them to clear things up - no worries guys.
19-10-2004 10:04:55
[quote6de030abb9="Blurrz"][quote6de030abb9]Credit approved!! Processing![/quote6de030abb9]
Wait...so you did Infone on Oct 2/3, and just got credit now, after sending them your confirmation e-mail?[/quote6de030abb9]
I did the same as above. Sunday night I sent cut and pasted the email= into the auto-responder. Last night after seeing the email=customerservice@freeipods.comcustomerservice@freeipods.com into the auto-responder. Last night after seeing the email=customerservice@freeipods.comcustomerservice@freeipods.com/email address I forwarded the message.
This morning I got the credit and clicked through the all of the confirming and ordering steps and went to processing in less than an hour. I have six green referrals. Wish they had not disappeared, so I could thank them.
19-10-2004 11:57:23
I e-mailed gratis yesterday evening (approx 24 hours ago) and still no word back from them/credit.
I e-mailed them about the info and sent my confirmation e-mail to email==customservice@freeipods.comcustomservice@freeipods.com=customservice@freeipods.comcustomservice@freeipods.com/email
hopefully i will get credit soon so i can order!
one of my referrals filled out the form yesterday afternoon and has yet to hear back.
hopefully by tomorrow )
19-10-2004 15:50:59
[quote79873477f9="Hale"]one of my referrals filled out the form yesterday afternoon and has yet to hear back.
hopefully by tomorrow )[/quote79873477f9]
yeah same here (except i am actually the one who did the infone one and didnt get credit)
let me know when you receive credit
one of my referrals who didnt get credit for 5-6 days simply signed up for infone again and received credit... anyone else try this and have success?
20-10-2004 06:38:45
That could catch up in the end.
20-10-2004 11:50:11
man.. its been 48 hours (2 full days) since I contacted gratis about not receiving credit - how long is this going to take?!
20-10-2004 11:51:29
just be patient
20-10-2004 11:54:46
yeah i am.. just wondering how long it normally takes.. or should take?
or should i just do another offer?
22-10-2004 10:56:12
Still no word yet - any updates on you dudes
nothing. (
did all of the people who email=ed and receive credit e-mail to email=customservice@freeipods.comcustomservice@freeipods.comed and receive credit e-mail to email=customservice@freeipods.comcustomservice@freeipods.com/email as well?
did anyone who sent an e-mail to email==customservice@freeipods.comcustomservice@freeipods.com=customservice@freeipods.comcustomservice@freeipods.com/email NOT receive credit yet?
maybe we pretty much have to do that to get it
22-10-2004 11:26:31
Did you all get an email from Infone when you ordered? My step-dad says he didn't get an email....I may have to go to his place and search through his mountains of spam for it.
Let me know...
[quoted7c07bf7e0="AltReality"]Did you all get an email from Infone when you ordered? My step-dad says he didn't get an email....I may have to go to his place and search through his mountains of spam for it.
Let me know...
Jeremy[/quoted7c07bf7e0]my referral received an email but has yet to receive credit (
now been 3 weeks.
now been a month since he completed the offer.. 15 days since contacting them.. no credit (
03-11-2004 13:59:27
i tried signing up for infone 3 times. 13 days after my original signup, i randomly got credit.
04-11-2004 07:08:19
i email=ed customer service after the 15 day period passed, sending a copy of the confirmation letter as well, and they gave me credit like a day or two later. did it all through the site help/faq section, not through the email=customerservice@freeipods.comcustomerservice@freeipods.comed customer service after the 15 day period passed, sending a copy of the confirmation letter as well, and they gave me credit like a day or two later. did it all through the site help/faq section, not through the email=customerservice@freeipods.comcustomerservice@freeipods.com/email address.