the feeling of enjoyment?

Live forum:


20-04-2005 19:33:38

For those of you who have gotten approved, how did u feel when u found out? When I saw that "redeem prize" button, man..... I jumped up and down like i was crazy.. I kept scream'n " I got approved! I'm gett'n my Ipod!!" It was the best feeling in the world. Now I just cant wait till i go STV.. woo hoo!


20-04-2005 19:59:12

I can think of alot of other feelings that are better than this. A Thai hooker and a six pack in the fridge (no, not a euphamism ) ) come to mind...



21-04-2005 06:58:20

I wasn't much excited so much as a feeling of relief. It was as if an bad employee I couldn't fire finally did something right.


21-04-2005 07:04:30

[quote6059e38458="BrickChick"]For those of you who have gotten approved, how did u feel when u found out? When I saw that "redeem prize" button, man..... I jumped up and down like i was crazy.. I kept scream'n " I got approved! I'm gett'n my Ipod!!" It was the best feeling in the world. Now I just cant wait till i go STV.. woo hoo![/quote6059e38458]

Yeah thats about how i felt with my first ipod


21-04-2005 10:14:41

i wish i could have any feeling other than.....the rejected one of my referrals. darn (i used other words that can't be typed here)


21-04-2005 15:27:07

I was extremely excited, i told people about it randomly that i didnt even know. The greatest part about getting my ipod was that it was literally 100% free. All of my referrals were willing to do it (so in other words, i didnt have to pay the people to sign up) because this was back when it first became really popular. Lastly, I did the Blockbuster 2 week trial, so I didnt pay a penny. I got way too excited when I got approved (but even more excited when it came in the mail)


24-04-2005 19:28:47

i was expecting a thread about getting your freefleshlight or something