Creatif Xpresshun
05-10-2004 22:16:30
I was just wondering, I have a problem...alot of my friends don't have credit cards and I was thinking, could it be possible that I could use my credit card for multiple people...or would Gratis put your account on hold for that? I just was wondering this...cuz thats a big problem for people, lots of people I know don't have credit or debit cards....
05-10-2004 22:19:47
05-10-2004 23:50:41
No they can't use yours (as you probably found out by clicking the link in the post above) but you CAN use your credit card to send em webcertificates.. That way they can complete offers with them because they are virtual mastercards, 16 digit numbers, ccv numbers and expiration dates. Just one solution...