05-10-2004 19:44:02
Hey.. I almost have all 5 of my referrals completed, but there is one problem - when i go to my account, my freeipods account says
Your Account has not been verified. You must verify your account before receiving your FREE iPod!
Click here to have a verification email= sent to sent to so you can verify your account.
Now I clicked 'click here to have a verfication email sent' over a week ago, and i havent received it. Now I just clicked it again today, and i talked to some people in the chat and they say its usually instant. Its been about a half an hour now and still no e-mail.
Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?
05-10-2004 19:45:53
same thing happened to me...
my e-mail provider wasn't letting the email thru (it's instant) ... so switch your email... to one that doens't block spam or something
05-10-2004 19:46:21
I kept having that problem, and I later realized that all of the confirmations were being sent to my junk folder... Maybe you should loosen up your filters (if you have any) and try again.
05-10-2004 19:48:51
you posted in the wrong forum ya twit. ) this goes in account issues.
i've had a lot of ref's have that same problem, just wait a day or so.. you should eventually get it. but make SURE you are checking your spam filter folders! it'll almost always go in there.
05-10-2004 19:59:51
yeah sorry i didnt even notice an account forum. Anyways, i got a gmail invite and signed up for that, changed my e-mail and instantly got the e-mail (in my spam box though). So it is not verified. I do not have to do another offer again do i? I did the infone one sunday, and it still says i havent completed an offer (one of my referrals did the ifone offer as well and that one says he still didnt do an offer as well).
05-10-2004 19:59:58
For me with my hotmail account it didn't even get sent to the junkmail folder it just got blocked outright. So, I had to use another account that didn't have a stringent spam filter.
05-10-2004 20:08:04
I switched to my google account and that worked.
05-10-2004 21:23:26
you don't need to switch your email. just go through the FAQs and say you can't get it verified. they'll verify it for you.