17-04-2005 10:23:46
I was just thinking if it was possible due to these delays, and I'm hopeing I'm wrong. But perhaps Gratis wasn't lying when they said they preordered a ton.
Perhaps they did preorder alot of PSPs, but not the actual value packs, just the PSPs themselves... Perhaps they preordered them a year in advance because those just singular packs are coming out in a year... Is this a possibility or should I just sit down and not speak anymore?
17-04-2005 10:47:47
LOL, Doh STFU. Not in amean way, but if you're right, I"ll die.
17-04-2005 12:18:46
if hes right i'll die laughing and that would mean they'd be lying again about our 3-4 week wait
17-04-2005 13:23:44
Yeah they should be soing out in a week or so, if THAT was the truth.
I will not be holding my breath tho.
17-04-2005 16:13:04
ship by end of this year? dont even talk like that man...
how long was it for the freeminimacs to ship since they first launched...maybe u could compare it to that...
18-04-2005 11:26:11
hopefully i get approved before they STV....ive been waiting to be approved since 4/01.
19-04-2005 03:50:04
That's crazy talk!!! um.....I hope
I just got my five referals If I have to wait that long I am just gonna by one. Then if or when I get the free one from Gratis......Hello Ebay!
19-04-2005 04:36:23
That would be crazy if your theory was correct.
19-04-2005 09:33:00
Yeah again remember I do not want this to be correct... But it COULD be a possibility...
19-04-2005 09:44:14
no it couldn't. that is idiotic. don't just spout theories off the top of your head. remember that even the information that we are given directly from Gratis is rarely accurate. Your "theories" that have no information to back them up whatsoever only serve to confuse people.
If we just report whatever Gratis tells us, no matter how vauge and infrequent their updates come, then we will be able to maintain the clearest sense of how far along their shipping process is. If you don't have anything to say that can be backed up with facts, then please just don't post anything.
19-04-2005 09:52:54
SONY is ONLY seeling valu-paks for almost a year, MAYBE come X-mas time they will sell a PSP solo pak but even then it's just speculation.
19-04-2005 10:39:10
[quote961680ceac="willietanner"]no it couldn't. that is idiotic. don't just spout theories off the top of your head. remember that even the information that we are given directly from Gratis is rarely accurate. Your "theories" that have no information to back them up whatsoever only serve to confuse people.
If we just report whatever Gratis tells us, no matter how vauge and infrequent their updates come, then we will be able to maintain the clearest sense of how far along their shipping process is. If you don't have anything to say that can be backed up with facts, then please just don't post anything.[/quote961680ceac]
And remember kids. Nobody likes an asshole. roll
[quote9aad872298="Doh004"][quote9aad872298="willietanner"]no it couldn't. that is idiotic. don't just spout theories off the top of your head. remember that even the information that we are given directly from Gratis is rarely accurate. Your "theories" that have no information to back them up whatsoever only serve to confuse people.
If we just report whatever Gratis tells us, no matter how vauge and infrequent their updates come, then we will be able to maintain the clearest sense of how far along their shipping process is. If you don't have anything to say that can be backed up with facts, then please just don't post anything.[/quote9aad872298]
And remember kids. No body likes an asshole. roll[/quote9aad872298]
Bingo. lol
19-04-2005 10:49:26
People like unfounded theories even less.

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