05-10-2004 12:39:01
I cant believe gratis... I was put on hold because X amount of my referrals had "VERY" similar passwords....
other than that everything is perfect... out of 5 referrals only 1 cancelled....
I cant believe this hog wash...
I going to write a letter to Gratis and have my referrals (my friends) all sign it...
I guess Gratis just made a ton of $$$ off my referrals or at least the ones they didn't conclude as being fraud......
05-10-2004 12:43:22
gratis told you that your passwords were too similar?
Or did you try to cheat.....
05-10-2004 12:45:24
lol, they'll do anything to save some money...
05-10-2004 12:48:53
[quote4888115662="alexvega"]gratis told you that your passwords were too similar?
Or did you try to cheat.....[/quote4888115662]
Harry989 told me that the passwords were similar... I asked my friends that I had referred and they confirmed it.
05-10-2004 13:04:59
wow, thats ill. I've never heard of that... just to be clear, you WERE told by gratis that this was the problem? Or by your referals?
Just sounds weird... are you guys in a club or somthing?
If it were me, i would mark it as fraud, why six 'unique' people have similar passwords?
05-10-2004 13:13:43
Statistically most computer passwords come down to a list of 20 or so. Many viruses in the past have exploited that, by simply trying to enter accounts by going through that list of popular passwords.... with rather high success.
That's why a good password is very unique.
05-10-2004 14:44:04
[quote63b9ae219c="alexvega"]wow, thats ill. I've never heard of that... just to be clear, you WERE told by gratis that this was the problem? Or by your referals?
Just sounds weird... are you guys in a club or somthing?
If it were me, i would mark it as fraud, why six 'unique' people have similar passwords?[/quote63b9ae219c]
Yes, I haven't heard of this problem before on this forum but Ive been a member for a few weeks.... (
No, gratis didn't tell me this, it was Harry989 which is an employee at gratis or something, because he has access to all accounts and can take people off hold etc. I had asked him why I was on hold, and he said it was because of the passwords being similar or the same....
No I'm not in a club... I just had friends from school sign up, they all completed an offer and kept it. They all used different computers and all used their own credit cards etc to sign up.... Just because their passwords were alike now my account is on hold.
I email=ed gratis a few times and now it seems like their not going to reply anymore. When I goto submit a questioned gratis a few times and now it seems like their not going to reply anymore. When I goto submit a question/email on their website it says account status CLOSED
I did not know a password or two could label my account FRAUD ?
I just want to advise the rest of you about this password problem....
I busted my butt to get referrals and begged people to join.... After all that work Gratis put my account on hold due to similar passwords...
Just be careful with everything... I guess gratis is just looking for excuses to put accounts on hold...
The funny part is, not only did they void 3 of my referrals but they wont even let me refer more people in hopes that they might accept my new referrals.... By putting my account on Hold the other 2 referrals I had or other referrals that were in progress goes straight into Profit for Gratis and keeps me from eventually getting a Free Ipod from them.
05-10-2004 14:44:30
But statistically... as most admin's know... they are on that list.
heck odds are if you use
zeus (geek sites)
that's the bulk right there -D
05-10-2004 19:50:30
thats the worse thing I heard till now .. i know they wld start putting ppl on hold randomly .. but this is ridiculous
05-10-2004 20:05:52
[quoteca380a4756="iridium"]thats the worse thing I heard till now .. i know they wld start putting ppl on hold randomly .. but this is ridiculous[/quoteca380a4756]
Yes, I was shocked with Harry989 told me it... I recently Emailed Gratis telling them HOW in the world they could put my account on could because of similar or even matching passwords....
Yet they all used different computers, credit card #s and shipping addresses.....
@$9li#@# Gratis!!!
05-10-2004 20:56:09
Thats actually an excellent method of determining fraud.
05-10-2004 21:02:58
yeah its definately a great way because someone could use the same password for everything and the not realize that gratis can detect like that
i would love to find out the passwords they used to see how similar they were
05-10-2004 21:27:34
still. that's bull. if they don't go on JUST IPs how can they now go on JUST passwords that aren't even THE SAME. way to go gratis for cheating people out of an ipod just so you can make easy money.
05-10-2004 21:32:07
yeah [if57a26ed36]Harry[/if57a26ed36] !