infone not approved yet

Live forum:


05-10-2004 09:29:30

So i had 2 guys sign up for infone, and they sent me the emails received from infone to confirm that their transaction went through. Its been 3 days and they are still yellow ( Both guys reported seeing a red X at the bottom of IE which i warned them about. They signed up anyways evil
So does this mean i have to wait 15 days to email gratis and forward them emails? I don't want this to be painful but i get the feeling that i wont get credit for them at all.


05-10-2004 09:51:55

If they saw the privacy thing they won't get credit. The cookie monster ate their credit ...


05-10-2004 15:12:20

your 2 referrals should send emails also at the same time you do I'd say.

if infone doesn't give credit immediately, then one of 2 things has usually occurred
1. the account creation did not go through (which you said did go through)
2. the cookie for offer credit was blocked
either means you wont ever get credit automatically (obviously for #1)


05-10-2004 15:30:14

It may also be the fact that infone has changed from instant credit to 2-3 business days for credit. My gf signed up for infone for me Friday night, and I still don't have credit for it. I don't know if the cookie monster ate it or not tho...however she did do the offer also for and it showed through, does that mean the lack of infone credit isn't due to cookies? Or do cookies eat one offer credit but not the others? If I don't get credit tomorrow I am emailing Gratis, where can I find their contact info?


05-10-2004 17:06:40

Its definitely #2. I guess ill shoot em an email but they will give me some BS about waiting 15 days.


05-10-2004 17:11:25

if u dont get credit by the end of the week then it means u have to wait 15 days so u can email them

Pusha C

05-10-2004 17:13:22

[quote34c40f8b85="Sebring"]If they saw the privacy thing they won't get credit. The cookie monster ate their credit ...[/quote34c40f8b85]

http//[" alt=""/img34c40f8b85]