Will I get it??

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=1156


05-10-2004 08:18:47

Out of curiosity, the hPod says on the little list picker thingy (above the complete offers) that you can choose it only if it's available.

Okay, so if it's not available and I order it, am I screwed? Or will they ship like a replacement product??

I haven't ordered (not even finished my referrals) but I was just curious...


05-10-2004 08:53:49

LOL... if the HP's out of stock, you'll either wait a while or maybe they'll send you an apple one. they're not going to NOT send you an ipod.


05-10-2004 09:11:07

Don't use no double negatives...


05-10-2004 10:42:11

okay thanks =D