12-04-2005 16:23:03
What was the highest # of yellows you've ever received?
I just finished counting for my account, and I have 86 yellows, and 5 greens. And I'm still awaiting approval. evil
i think i have around 26 yellows
12-04-2005 17:03:37
ask sofa sets he always has a TON
12-04-2005 17:04:53
How the HELL do you get that many shock ? I'm baffled
12-04-2005 18:23:16
lol, on PSPs...i had 6 referrals
5 green
1 yellow
12-04-2005 19:46:12
101 yellows 5 greens on freeipods..
12-04-2005 20:13:31
how do you guys get so many yellows? just stupid people signing up thinking all they have to do is put in their address and they get an ipod?
12-04-2005 20:23:40
ya, they just leave their link on very high traffic areas
12-04-2005 20:54:02
[quote4f2d190a59="kaymin"]ya, they just leave their link on very high traffic areas[/quote4f2d190a59]
Such as???
I just got my last green on freeipods today and i have about 60 yellows. Where are these high traffic areas that you speak of? I know a few tricks but I'm running out of ideas. If anybody wants to swap ideas let me know.
My method got me 5 greens on freeipods
So far 5 greens on photoipods
2 greens on psps4free
3 on desktoppc
2 on digital cams
By the way this was all in a 2 week time span.
Like i said, let me know if you would like to trade techniques. If you dont have a proven system that gets you alot of greens then dont bother asking me what mine is because im not gonna tell you.
12-04-2005 21:33:17
i think i had around 200ish
and like 6 greens, i think a few more turned green in the end though, though i cant see it cry
13-04-2005 17:30:46
I ended up with 16 greens and 137 yellows on Free iPods. Be patient if the yellows don't turn green the same day. I finally got 5 greens and ordered my iPod and ended up having 11 more people go green.
13-04-2005 17:31:50
[quote01fb057ae6="BrickChick"]What was the highest # of yellows you've ever received?
I just finished counting for my account, and I have 86 yellows, and 5 greens. And I'm still awaiting approval. evil[/quote01fb057ae6]
... the most amazing thing just happened.... i came on the forums to post the EXCACT same topic.... i can not believe this... you probobly cant either! oh my god.. wow... thats scaring me, lol...
yea, i have around 60!
14-04-2005 09:27:55
Most extra greens I've had for anything was like 5 on freeflatscreens.
16-04-2005 11:11:08
I currently have 1 GREEN[/color3b3dca0358] and 19 YELLOWS[/color3b3dca0358]
19-04-2005 13:53:17
131 yellows 11greens, 2 greys
Aardvark Freak
20-04-2005 10:49:00
on freeflatscreens i have my most yellows... currently at 226 yellow, 4 green, and 0 gray. my gf's freeipods has 57 yellows, 7 greens , and 1 gray. it's easy to get a buttload of referrals when you're #4 in google for "free ipod" )
20-04-2005 11:48:25
On I have 1 yellow. 0 greens.