Finally approved!!

Live forum:


04-10-2004 12:44:34

It has been 9 business days and I am finally approved. Now I should have my iPod in a few months!! CAN'T WAIT!! roll


04-10-2004 12:58:33

Why are you rolling your eyes? It's a FREE iPod for Christ's sake. Suck it up, or go buy one TODAY at BestBuy.


04-10-2004 13:06:50

Why are you rolling your eyes? It's a FREE iPod for Christ's sake. Suck it up, or go buy one TODAY at BestBuy.

woah...settle down there man. Technically, I wasn't rolling my eyes, it was the smiley on the computer. roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll


04-10-2004 13:18:01

[quoted0b4b36918="timmerk"]Why are you rolling your eyes? It's a FREE iPod for Christ's sake. Suck it up, or go buy one TODAY at BestBuy.[/quoted0b4b36918]

Calm down man. It's not like Gratis is run by Jesus Christ or something. True, no one can really complain about having to wait 2 months for a free item, but they don't need to be defended this harshley.


04-10-2004 14:00:10

[quote3a0457c346="snakeanthony"]It's not like Gratis is run by Jesus Christ or something.[/quote3a0457c346]



04-10-2004 14:30:48

hehehe, i think jesus does run it - i heard he loves spam ;-)


04-10-2004 15:03:01

roll roll roll Congrats D D


04-10-2004 15:06:24

Ahh... I remember when I was just approved... And then I remember when I went from Processing to STV. I just want it to come so I can stop receiving abuse from my friends. When I say "When my ipod comes" they say "IF your ipod comes"

So when it gets here, and they say "Put some of my songs in Itunes for when I listen to it", i'll simply respond "IF you get to listen to it".