04-10-2004 12:22:44
Anyone else had a problem with infone taking like.. 4 days to clear? I thought infone was an instant offer...
04-10-2004 12:58:27
Are you retarded?
Read the popup.
04-10-2004 14:47:29
I read the pop up... just wo
06-10-2004 14:18:33
When I completed Infone it gave credit the very next business day.
06-10-2004 16:21:22
[quoted4716e88c2="rich3929"]When I completed Infone it gave credit the very next business day.[/quoted4716e88c2]When did u do it? It changed this past weekend from instant to 2-3 days. My friend did it Sunday and didn't get credit. He did everything right, and no cookies were blocked.... 3 days have passed already ...
07-10-2004 12:54:02
yeah i've had problems w/infone too. my girl did it on oct. 4th......said 2-3 days, on day 4 right now.....
07-10-2004 21:00:35
If you dont get credit, do another offer... it took me 4 offers to get an iPod (
09-10-2004 11:37:41
Still no credit for my friend who did it on 10/02 (
09-10-2004 15:30:29
yep i have the same problem!!!! i had 4 people do that offer too and im still waiting for credit!!!! WTF is going on!!! someone please let me knoW!
14-10-2004 15:33:07
Posted Wed Oct 13, 2004 219 pm Post subject The ONLY way to get Infone to work...
OK, I just remembered what the deal with Infone is. This might have been posted a while back, but anyway...
When you click the Infone link, it takes you to a sign-up page. Immediately hit refresh and you will be sent to a new sign-up page. It will look different from the first sign-up page in that this one will be split-screen, i.e. the left side will have some ads and the right side will be the sign-up page in a vertical format. THIS IS THE PAGE YOU MUST BE ONE TO GET CREDIT! The Infone problem has nothing to do with the 'cookie monster' or anything like that. You will see the cookie monster icon when you get to the new sign-up page, but it is fine; if you want, you can fool around with the cookies, but it didn't matter for me.
Anyway, before you fill out any info, scroll to the bottom of this new page and make sure you can see the verification word you have to enter. It's one of those scam-proof word boxes that you see at Ticketmaster, Yahoo, etc. If you can't see the word, keep refreshing the page until you CAN. Once you can, go ahead and enter your info, then enter the word, and it WILL work.
Summary You will NEVER get credit if you use the first sign-up page you are taken to; you MUST refresh to get to the new page, and then make sure you can see the verification word. Keep refreshing until you do, and then enter info.
Hope this helps!
17-10-2004 19:54:51
wtf?! that is so damn gay!