Mr. A
04-10-2004 07:56:20
It seems that most people that know about freeipods & the likes, actively search out message boards, conga lines, etc... and are likely to complete their offers.
However, I have slapped up a link/info page on a site that gets 100k daily visitors who are "green" to freeiopds. It's currently signing up about 5 referrals per hour, and I was wondering what the avg ratio is for those that complete the offer to those than don't for those who get their referrals in the same manner.
The reason I ask, is since I'm signing up referrals so quickly, that I was curious as to approximately what the completion ratio is so I can swap the links out for someone else's so I'm not wasting referrals on an account that has already completed the requirements.
Thanks much!
04-10-2004 08:01:26
I guess that just really depends on the 'quality' of the people.
I just sent out an email to all my friends and got about 20 to actually sign up. Out of that 5 actually got through to completed. Although many more of them claim to have completed everything. So, my ration was about 14. I would guess that coming from some random website your ratio would be considerably higher. But if your getting 5 referals per hour, I would imagine 50 should do it. I would liguessli that 1 out of 10 would do. If not, you could always put your link back up later...
04-10-2004 08:09:11
what? why am i a giant moron? did the admins do this?
daaaang... -( lol
04-10-2004 08:09:52
I have 50+ yellows, all random people I don't know, and I have ONR right now I'm looking at a 150 ratio..heh. But, several of them could be awaiting credit for an offer, hopefully that's the case!
04-10-2004 11:26:02
The official gratis-wide ratio is approximately 110.
04-10-2004 11:58:57
[quote3e53ffc1d5="Admin"]The official gratis-wide ratio is approximately 110.[/quote3e53ffc1d5]
thats hot
04-10-2004 12:15:39
I wonder what the average time span is betweening completing an offer, and getting credit for the offer...seeing as how I have over 50 yellows and one green...I can only hope at least 4 of those 50 are awaiting credit for an offer!
04-10-2004 13:15:05
For the ipod, I got 5 greens out of 6. Not bad, eh? Very little waste. D