05-04-2005 22:07:25
I just want SOMETHING now.
05-04-2005 23:04:59
Nothing that the current interface allows you to do once your order has been STV'd. Its up to Gratis now to allow us to change it.
06-04-2005 08:32:18
I submitted this exact question as a help ticket yesterday afternoon. I'll post any response I get here.
07-04-2005 14:46:14
Looks like a big NO for this question. Got this reponse from Cust Service today. I bet they feel pretty smart using fancy legal-ese like "juncture"
Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, at this juncture your order for an XBox has already been placed and can not be changed. Please be patient with us during this time. Thank you.
07-04-2005 17:57:05
[quote89e01cab14="willietanner"]...I bet they feel pretty smart using fancy legal-ese like "juncture"...[/quote89e01cab14]
Wouldn't be "prudent", huh? (SNL fans, anyone?)
Oh...I hate coming to this side of the always depresses me. Wait wait wait.
Guess it's better than dealing with the drama over in the The Trading Post though )
08-04-2005 06:25:26
My order is still listed as "Processing" and offers the "Cancel Order" button. I have ordered the PS2, but am considering whether I should change to the DS before I go STV.
Does anyone know if they are delivering the DS? Or will I be playing the same waiting game if I do switch?
08-04-2005 14:55:48
i would deinatly change it .......
08-04-2005 17:58:11
[quote9c1c9a0564="no0ne2k"]My order is still listed as "Processing" and offers the "Cancel Order" button. I have ordered the PS2, but am considering whether I should change to the DS before I go STV.
Does anyone know if they are delivering the DS? Or will I be playing the same waiting game if I do switch?
SAme for me, so if i click cancel then what happens? Do i remain approved, etc? thanks
13-04-2005 17:24:29
I just placed my order for PS2, should I switch it to DS? No matter what, my stuff is going on eBay.