04-04-2005 11:17:39
I just got word that my sister (at home/shipping address) just signed for a package that was received from efulfillment! I'm getting her to open it now... and... YES, it's my new 60GB iPod Photo! This is strange, as I'm still showing up Sent to Vendor, Waiting on Product on the official gratis site, but who cares. I'm going home in a couple days to get it. Maybe tonight, who knows. Anyone else get theirs?
04-04-2005 11:21:13
yea, got mine too.
04-04-2005 14:08:59
[333250]http//[" alt=""/imge7cf04fa25]
[img="e7cf04fa25][333250]http//[" alt=""/imge7cf04fa25]
04-04-2005 15:04:37
got mine as well. Box is about 3/4 the size of the older 60GB (with all the accessories). Seems to be the first iPod in a different sized box (aside from minis and such). My 10GB 2G iPod, 20GB 4G iPod and 60GB photo iPod (with all accessories) were in boxes of the exact same dimensions.
06-04-2005 14:06:39
congrats to you chaps!
btw could one of you guys post a few pics of the photo ipod showing the main screen and another shot showing the Now Playing screen (album art)....I just wanna see what they really look like.
06-04-2005 14:13:05
Anyone else showing up STV? If so, that could mean my Mac Mini has been shipped. I've been STV WOP for a week now. It should have gone shipped. Congrats to you all.
06-04-2005 14:20:10
[333250]http//[" alt=""/imgc27d9a95db]
[img="c27d9a95db][333250]http//[" alt=""/imgc27d9a95db]
There you go. Sorry, the pic was taken in the dark. It looks a lot better in "person" haha
06-04-2005 15:31:52
Congrats to all and I hate you P but hopefully soon I can stop my hate and join the ranks of the cool people with photos...