It is GREAT to prove to people that GRATIS is legit...

Live forum:


03-10-2004 09:38:03

I remember when came ... I told several people at work about it... they kinda treated it as a scam... heard a lotta "Yeah right"s and "I'll believe it when I see it"s... well I took the Ipod into work yesterday and jaws Right away I had people asking.... "How does that website work again?" or "What is the web address?" LOL... I have my refferal links linked to some accounts... so I spent a lotta time that day passing around my FDPC link to my co workers! P lol wink


03-10-2004 09:45:46

lol nice!~!


03-10-2004 09:47:43

yeah that's cool! Pass on my ipod link if you can! D


03-10-2004 10:25:06

consider yourself banned


03-10-2004 10:27:23

im just waiting till mine ships, then i will show all those non believers, make them envy me, and not tell them how to get teh free ipod


03-10-2004 10:30:00

I hate going to school everyday and hearing the same people always saying "your never going to get it." And I don't want to beat em up, i just want to make them feel really bad when i show it to them.


03-10-2004 10:32:43

BlingKing, just wait till you go to school one day WITH your ipod. Its alot worse to have people constantly nagging you about how you got your ipod. I swear I've explained it over a hundread times at school. Now, if anyone asks, I just tell them I stole it from a nine-year-old. Haha


03-10-2004 10:49:03

lmfao idsguy, ima just make me all jealous


03-10-2004 10:51:14

Yeah, I have the same thing at work. They just don't believe me about. Should be fun when mine arrives )


03-10-2004 13:31:09

When mine gets here in a couple of days (shipped 10/2)...good god, will the victory ever be sweet. 8) It'll be very useful, cause now that I'll have undeniable physical proof, I can get some people to sign up for my FFS, and FDS when it's operational. )


03-10-2004 13:36:40

the exact same for the rest of us D


03-10-2004 15:50:14

Dude, Getting my referrals for my ipod took me 2+ months due to the fact that everyone I talked to simply assumed it was a scam. I actually didn't even tell my close friends because I didn't want them to feel like I was trying to sell them amway products.

Now that I have my iPod? Totally different story. In the space of two weeks, I got all five referrals for my mom's iPod, my roomate's iPod, my roomate's girlfriend's iPod, and for two other friend's iPod's.... just from word of mouth when people see my brand new (free) ipod!

Its kinda cool, I feel a bit like Santa Claus


03-10-2004 15:57:58

Im almost at the 2 month mark. About 5 more days left.