31-03-2005 20:57:51
Where do you think the best place is to advertise your link? Lately ive been doing myspace - but its not working as good as it did way back when i did the freeipods.
31-03-2005 21:01:00
We're going to just tell you?? THen everyone'd know it.
31-03-2005 21:06:09
then pm me where you do it!!! D
01-04-2005 14:18:44
Well I guess I did...but maybe im wrong? (
Aardvark Freak
01-04-2005 17:40:26
i just post it on my website that gets 2000 hits a day, and things take care of themselves.
01-04-2005 21:24:57
Post it in sigs on other boards, and hope they don't ban you. ;)