BlockBuster pays Gratis to be on there websites right?

Live forum:


30-03-2005 19:31:26

I was thinking, BlockBuster pays Gratis to be on there website. That's good information for the people who are skeptical! I can tell that! It is true right?


30-03-2005 19:53:44

I believe so, just like all of the other offers.

Except, I think it is that if someone completes an offer, the third-party company pays Gratis back then and only then.

I may be wrong. Please correct me if so.


30-03-2005 20:05:18

No. Blockbuster doesn't directly pay Gratis. Blockbuster pays SearchCactus or another "offer publisher" for your offer completion, who in turn pays Gratis.


30-03-2005 20:41:15

once again, i've been corrected by the almighty

Sorry about the incorrect information and thanks for the correction.


30-03-2005 21:15:31

[quotefb4c52bf27="PodTopia"]No. Blockbuster doesn't directly pay Gratis. Blockbuster pays SearchCactus or another "offer publisher" for your offer completion, who in turn pays Gratis.[/quotefb4c52bf27]

Has Blockbuster alawys been SC, or do other sites also do it like CJ and such?


31-03-2005 03:48:07

Other sites do it as well. Clickbooth is one, that's how it's on independent sites like Cool4Free.


31-03-2005 10:52:48

Thanks for your help!


31-03-2005 10:53:28

Oo! 1 more question. How do you get these shirts? http//
I've seen them on several of the free Ipod pics of people who got free ipods.