30-03-2005 13:32:02
I did two offers just now. On FreePSPs, I used email==redlightpledge@yahoo.comredlightpledge@yahoo.com=redlightpledge@yahoo.comredlightpledge@yahoo.com/email. I tried signing up with the same email= on FreeiPods, but it said there's an existing account with that email (which I didn't complete and offer with on this account at iPods previously). So I signed up with an alternative email address. On FreeiPods, I signed up using email=redlightpledge@gmail.comredlightpledge@gmail.com on FreeiPods, but it said there's an existing account with that email (which I didn't complete and offer with on this account at iPods previously). So I signed up with an alternative email address. On FreeiPods, I signed up using email=redlightpledge@gmail.comredlightpledge@gmail.com/email. One of the people I traded with says that it's going to go red because I used two different emails. Now I'm scared that they WILL go red. Is he right about this, or will I still get my free stuff?
Summary/Clear-up Used email==redlightpledge@yahoo.comredlightpledge@yahoo.com=redlightpledge@yahoo.comredlightpledge@yahoo.com/email at FreePSPs. Used email==redlightpledge@gmail.comredlightpledge@gmail.com=redlightpledge@gmail.comredlightpledge@gmail.com/email at FreeiPods. Will I still get my free stuff, or will they see this as fraud?
30-03-2005 14:32:12
You don't have to use the same e-mail address at different sites. It just has to be a valid e-mail address.
I would be more concerned about them claiming that your other address has been used. If for some reason you forgot and actually signed up before, and used the same address you used this time, then they WILL pop you for fraud.
30-03-2005 15:02:44
[quote7c7096d886="dmorris68"]You don't have to use the same e-mail address at different sites. It just has to be a valid e-mail address.
I would be more concerned about them claiming that your other address has been used. If for some reason you forgot and actually signed up before, and used the same address you used this time, then they WILL pop you for fraud.[/quote7c7096d886]
Can you re-word that a little? Also, by address, do you mean mailing address, e-mail address, or IP address, etc?
30-03-2005 15:32:07
YOu signed up twice, it doesn't matter if you completed an offer the first time. RED.
30-03-2005 20:31:24
[quoteb0cd51d963="dannydrifffft"][quoteb0cd51d963="dmorris68"]You don't have to use the same e-mail address at different sites. It just has to be a valid e-mail address.
I would be more concerned about them claiming that your other address has been used. If for some reason you forgot and actually signed up before, and used the same address you used this time, then they WILL pop you for fraud.[/quoteb0cd51d963]
Can you re-word that a little? Also, by address, do you mean mailing address, e-mail address, or IP address, etc?[/quoteb0cd51d963]
It does not matter if you use the same e-mail address for different Gratis offers, or different e-mail addresses. They just have to be valid, meaning you can received mail there. They will mail a verification e-mail that you must respond to.
You said they kicked out your signup because the e-mail address had been used already. Well, either somebody else used to have that e-mail address (most unlikely, near impossible) or you already signed up once for that offer. By signing up again, even using a different e-mail address, you are in flagrant violation of their terms and will get disqualified.
Was that clearer?