What can they find out from your IP Address?
01-10-2004 14:45:27
Easy, just go to
That's a bunch of crap they can find out. Think about what would happen if Gratis records the ip address.
If the link doesn't work just go to www.iprive.com/analyze
01-10-2004 14:56:42
haha opera was like no.
01-10-2004 15:00:50
The majority of websites you visit collect the same information. Its fairly common.
01-10-2004 15:03:45
my websites do.
i can look at charts and graphs to see where to nuke or not nuke respectively if i wanted to kill visitors or not.
None of this information comes from your ip address, it is sent by your browser. It can be recorded at any website you visit, and is by a lot of sites. There is nothing wrong with it.
01-10-2004 15:17:38
What the shit does this have to do with getting my free iPod.
01-10-2004 19:21:08
This thing says I live in a city that is like two hours from where I actually live.
01-10-2004 19:52:56
[quote87671824a2]Are Cookies Enables yes[/quote87671824a2]
are no spellcheckers to site what?
and who the eff cares? as if we're not all already barcodes to people?
oh yea. and what's better about iPrive knowing your info than other sites? sucks to your assmar.
[quotef6c6b610bd]CHECK Referring Page
Referring Page none[/quotef6c6b610bd]
everyone clicking the link above should show http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=1007 as a referring page, not "none." I'm not using a proxy either..
and Gratis DOES record your IP address.
02-10-2004 08:15:36
Every website by default collects IP addresses. It's the default setting in every major web server, Netcape Enterprise, Apache, IIS all do.
The rest of the information is by the browser whenever it retrieves a page. It sends things like browser UA, content type's it can accept, etc. etc.
Standard stuff. It's been part of the net since very early on.
02-10-2004 11:57:07
with a regular site trying to figure out an ip address, you can't find much.. just the internet provider...
but '[i89a46c0135]if[/i89a46c0135] you have a program or something to get more info than just a provider, you can find ALOT. where the person lives (not their address persay) but what state they live in, internet provider and ETC.
so becareful u people who are considering cheating...)
04-10-2004 01:11:08
eh, that's what I meant though. That's what they can find out from your IP Addy. So if you have all your referrals from the same addy most likely you'll be on hold...
04-10-2004 06:15:54
Blah ... I thought this was common knowledge.... heh.
04-10-2004 06:49:06
[quote14db6d6189="amaivs"]but '[i14db6d6189]if[/i14db6d6189] you have a program or something to get more info than just a provider, you can find ALOT. where the person lives (not their address persay) but what state they live in, internet provider and ETC.
Not quite...
There's lots of variables. A log file contains 2 things;
1. IP address
2. Browser/UserAgent
3. Referer
Can get a few things here
1. IP can tell you
- Unique user (sometimes... .dependsurl==http://=http:///url if a proxy exists, NAT router, etc. etc>)
- Location (often wrong.. for example, most AOL users are virginia, AOL NOC HQ, not their hometown)... nobody really depends on this to be accurate to more than the country, and even that is only about 95% accurate.
2. Browser/UserAgent
- Browser
- Browser Version
- OS
- OS revision
- Language Encoding
3. Referer
- Page which brought you to current page
There's also the ability to Use JS detection.
- Screen Resolution
- JS enabled/disabled
- Plugins Installed/Enabled
That's really about it.
Again, every website you've ever visited records and analyzes this data. I've spent countless hours doing it, and even modifying my own software for the task.
04-10-2004 09:54:57
reminds me of those lame banner ads saying "your ip address is open to the world. buy our software to protect your privacy"
04-10-2004 11:28:12
they know where you live...
04-10-2004 13:27:08
[quote0b51ddeaa0="DIGITALgimpus"][quote0b51ddeaa0="amaivs"]but '[i0b51ddeaa0]if[/i0b51ddeaa0] you have a program or something to get more info than just a provider, you can find ALOT. where the person lives (not their address persay) but what state they live in, internet provider and ETC.
Not quite...
There's lots of variables. A log file contains 2 things;
1. IP address
2. Browser/UserAgent
3. Referer
Can get a few things here
1. IP can tell you
- Unique user (sometimes... .dependsurl==http://=http:///url if a proxy exists, NAT router, etc. etc>)
- Location (often wrong.. for example, most AOL users are virginia, AOL NOC HQ, not their hometown)... nobody really depends on this to be accurate to more than the country, and even that is only about 95% accurate.
2. Browser/UserAgent
- Browser
- Browser Version
- OS
- OS revision
- Language Encoding
3. Referer
- Page which brought you to current page
There's also the ability to Use JS detection.
- Screen Resolution
- JS enabled/disabled
- Plugins Installed/Enabled
That's really about it.
Again, every website you've ever visited records and analyzes this data. I've spent countless hours doing it, and even modifying my own software for the task.[/quote0b51ddeaa0]
Yeah all that other junk you mentioned too. Depends on how specific someone is trying to go for to find all that info. But most likely, only big comapnies will find all that out... if you have your own website/homepage, you can have access to all that stuff too.
04-10-2004 13:41:00
99.9% of the time it's agregated.
Pretty much all webmasters don't have the time to look at individuals ;). They look at totals to learn about the audience as a whole.