So what prize IS shipping?

Live forum:


29-03-2005 07:20:26

I'm about to start working on this site, and I wanted to know which prize (if any) are in stock and shipping on time?

Sounds like xbox and ps2 people are having some serious issues... oops

What about the gamecube and DS people? Are they shipping out? ?

I really want the XBOX but I'll take anything just to sell it on ebay and get one.


29-03-2005 13:14:53

sad to say about the DS......

I HAVE BEEN on STV for 1 month and 21 days

AND COUNTING......................................

evil evil evil evil evil evil

thomas moore

29-03-2005 20:51:43

its going to HELLL cry


29-03-2005 21:01:37

Yeah, seems like the entire site is going to hell. I'm just going to let my Processing XBox order stay processing.

thomas moore

29-03-2005 21:38:13

how long have you been slumped in processing?

me= 14 days x


29-03-2005 21:46:48

"slumped" in processing for 16 days. I think I'm just going to forget about this account and then one day, an XBox will show up at my door. It'll be a nice surprise.

thomas moore

29-03-2005 21:50:42

if thats anything like my ex-wife then its not something you want to forget about, rather just put it to the side for a few years and then fix it and be merry wink shock